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Our selection of low carb and Atkins diet books. Each low carb plan has its own unique differences and approach to weight-loss. It is quite informative to check more than one low carb plan to find the one suitable to YOU.
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Overcoming Syndrome X: The Silent Killer That can Give You a Heart Attack
The Silent Killer That Can Give You a Heart Attack

By Gerald Reaven, M.D.

As Dr. Gerald Reaven, a professor of medicine at Stanford University, explains, insulin resistance is part of Syndrome X, a once-mysterious killer of millions. Someone with Syndrome X has very high insulin levels, along with high blood fats and unusually small and dense particles of LDL (low-density lipoprotein)--the dangerous stuff. Diets high in carbohydrates or protein--like the American Heart Association and Zone diets--actually lead to more insulin production - starting a chain reaction in people with Syndrome X that leads to damaged arteries and eventually to heart attacks. The solutions to the problem start with a low-carbohydrate diet that's high in unsaturated fats. The payoff? A longer, healthier life. And the superiority that comes with actually knowing what "insulin resistance" means.

Overcoming Syndrome X

Syndrome X: The Complete Program to Prevent and Reverse This New Epidemic
The Complete Program to Prevent and Reverse This New Epidemic
By Jack Challem, Burt Berkson, M.D. & Melissa Diane Smith

The mysterious-sounding "Syndrome X" refers to a group of health problems including insulin resistance ("the inability to properly deal with dietary carbohydrates such as sugars"), plus at least one additional problem, such as abnormal blood fats (elevated cholesterol or triglycerides), overweight, and/or high blood pressure. Insulin resistance is "a diet-caused hormonal logjam that interferes with your body's ability to efficiently burn the food you eat."
Syndrome X takes seemingly unrelated symptoms and puts them together like the pieces of a puzzle to reveal a silent and devastating epidemic. The mystery has finally been solved and practical effective solutions provided.

Syndrome X


New! The Low-Carb Gourmet, by Karen Barnaby

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